Register now for the People's Congress of Resistance!

ANSWER is circulating the following message from the People's Congress of Resistance released on June 2. 

Make your plans — Register today

If you want to get more involved, please sign up to volunteer today!


 Register today

Registration is now open for the September 16-17 People's Congress of Resistance! This event will draw together grassroots resisters and diverse social movements from around the country for an exciting weekend of strategizing, deliberation and information-sharing. 

The registration fees of $50 and $100 help cover the enormous expenses that go with organizing an event of this magnitude. 

Space will be limited, make your plans today — click this link to register today!

The registration fee covers participation in the two-day event, not including housing, food and other personal expenses.

Organizers will issue information soon on possibilities for housing, including more affordable hotels, church space, etc.

If you cannot pay the registration fee but are eager to attend the People's Congress of Resistance, please fill out this form. We are collectively fundraising so that no one will be unable to come on account of funds. 

Click this link to register today! 

If you cannot attend in Washington, D.C. on September 16-17, please make a donation to subsidize the registration of a student or a low-income person.

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